Text of report The subject if our report is the influence of the structure and physics of the uppermost superadaibatic layers on the oscillational spectrum of p-modes. It is generally known, that p-modes represent acoustic waves trapped in the Sun, and that they are mainly sensitive to the structure of the upper layers of the solar convection zone, specifically, to highly sophisticated superadiabatic layers near the upper boundary of the convection zone. It is also well known, that changes in structure or physics in these uppermost layers cause specific disturbances of eigenfrequencies, in such way that they are appeared as a function of frequency only. In our report we will try to use a most simple representation of the spectrum, plotting the differences between theoretical (that is models') and observational frequencies against a frequency. Also, we restrict the set of frequencies in degrees of modes up to 100 and selected only them which trapped in the convection zone. It allow us to focused on the effects of the uppermost layers and ignore possible sophistications from effect of more deeper layers. Fig.1 shows the typical discrepancies of the selected modes set. Relatively close collapsing of the points onto one line reflects the simplicity and adequateness in some respect of the description deeper, adiabatic layers of the convection zone. The amplitudes of discrepancies are rather large and consist a chief part of modern helioseismic discrepancies. The frequencies plotted on the Fig.1 are calculated for the very old and simple model without any attempts to adjust it to observational frequencies. The model was only chosen as a basic model in our illustrations and obtained with the standard Mixing-Length Theory of convection and very old opacities in atmosphere corresponding Cox&Tabor, 1976 tables. Helium abundance is 25 percents, Equation of State is MHD, and entropy in deep convective layers is close, but not exactly to fitted whole solar model. However, those parameters are fixed in our further consideration, so we will focus on the effects of the atmospheric opacities and structure of the superadiabatic convection region. We start from well established effects, connected with lack of exact knowledge of the density profile in solar radiative atmosphere. Due to this fact, we should completely relay on the theoretic opacities at low temperature during the model construction. As it was revealed, that simple calculation of the opacities may be very approximate and differ from more elaborated one in several times. It is well known, that changing of assumed opacities in model calculations leads to quite remarkable changes of the discrepancy spectrum. On the Fig 2 we have plotted the frequency discrepancy for models with artificially increased atmospheric opacities by multiplying by factors two and three correspondingly. One can see, that increasing of opacities leads to improving of the agreement between theory and observation. Physically, this effect is rather simple and can be interpreted as increasing of acoustic radius of the Sun. But one can mentioned several limitations of such approach to problem. First, we hardly can assume increasing the opacities arbitrary, beyond, for example modern elaborated calculation by Alexsander or Kuruch, which roughly corresponds to model with tripled opacities on our figure. Secondly, This effect is rather limited in its appearance in frequencies, and, for example, cannot explain some small but unremovable divergences of frequencies for the modes between 2 and 3 mHz. But in sense of amplitude, this effect is rather prominent. Next obvious candidate as a reason of the spectral discrepancies, is the structure of the uppermost superadiabatic region of the solar convection zone. Under condition of the fixed entropy of the deep convective layers, the problem of the structure of the superadiabatic layers is referred as a problem of convection theory. The possible influence of the convective description on the spectrum of oscillations broadly considered in a lot of papers, and now we point out only, that we will concentrated on the horizontally averaged descriptions the convective layers and moreover, included in consideration only so-called local convective theories. In our study, and in papers other authors (for example Ch-D, M.Montero, Thompson), a lot of convective descriptions have been considered, but now for sake of demonstration, we show only quite popular Canuto and Mazzitelly descriptions in couple of variation and in compare with MLT model. To check the structure difference it is instructive to consider profiles in (temperature-density) plane, as it is shown on Fig.3. On this figure only very narrow stratum, with thickness of couple hundred kilometers are plotted, but namely this stratum appeared to be essentially convective sensitive. We supposes, that there a transition between minimal entropy on the upper convective points and a limit adiabate of deep convective zone takes place. It is clear, that MLT predicts rather smooth transition between these two adiabates, whereas CM-theories corresponds to more sharp transition. It is also clear, that there is no too much room for other completely different convective descriptions, and CM-description is rather close to physically reasonable sharpest transition in superadiabatic region. Influence on discrepancy spectrum are shown on next Fig.4. It is also clear, that sharpening of the convective transition (or increasing temperature gradient in other words) leads to desirable effects on the frequencies, but the amplitude of the effects is not so large as for opacity correction for CM or CGM description. There other variant CM-theory are plotted to demonstrate there is possibility to amplify the convective influence, but this variant corresponds to extremely large variations of the temperature gradient in this place, that together with tiny details of spectrum behaviour prevent us to be adherents of this model. But it worth to mention, that convection variations able in contrast to atmospheric variations affect the discrepancy behaviour in interval from 2 to 3 mHz. Third possible, and most intriguing effects is proposed for explanation of the frequency discrepancies related to inducing dynamic features in the model. More exactly, we consider the situation of appearing additional terms in the hydrostatic equation, like so-called turbulent pressure. The exact nature of such terms are is so important. We tried to estimate a possible influence on the spectrum, but not to reproduce theoretically dynamic features of turbulent convection. We constructed the model included additional pressure term, chose the expression of turbulent pressure from CGM96. The model changing are quite predictable in this case - gas-component of pressure is dropping down, what is reached by means of density deficit - fenomena is well known when buoyancy of magnetic tubes is discussed. This influence is rather strong (amplitude of turbulent pressure can reach 12 percent of total one), but very localized - the stratum revealed remarkable turbulent pressure is in five times shallower, that rather narrow superadiabatic region. From other side, the behaviour of total pressure (which is only obey to hydrostatic equation) is rather similar to CM model (Fig.5). These two factors, in our opinion, explain rather surprising result in frequencies discrepancy - the frequencies for model with turbulent pressure are close to the model without one (Fig.6) There are two expected ways of influence dynamic convective effects on the spectrum of oscillations - via model changes and via changes of physics of oscillation modes. When first is appeared to be not very significant, we check possible influence of second - modal effect. Possible changing in hydrostatic equation can be traced via liniarized oscillations equation and finally appeared as changing of Gamma_1 - adiabatic compressibility, corresponding to the fact, that reaction of the plasma on external compression may differ for the turbulent component of pressure. We recalculate the theoretical frequencies for so-called reduced Gamma_1 in turbulent model (follow a receipt of C.Rothental) and got another results, that an influence on frequencies is not very significant as well (Fig.7). This result is less paradoxical, then previous, because it is known, that even simple variation of sound speed (or variation of Gamma_1) localized in considered layers produce quite small effect on frequencies, due to evanescent behaviour of the waves in this region. We can summarize the situation in next way. The possibility to improve the coincidence of the spectrum in a frame of local models and adiabatic oscillations is mostly exhausted by considered effects. Adjusting of these effects in combinations are able to reproduce the observational frequencies up to 3 mHz, but anyway failed to reproduce the spectrum of high frequency range. For further improving nondiabatic effects and horizontally nonhomohenius model are appeared to be perspective. The influence of dynamic features of convections seems to be much less significant then expected.