KBWIZRD6.TXT September 26, 1995 Hello, and thank you for downloading kbwizrd6.zip. This archive contains the following MIDI files: "Demons" (demon21t.mid) "I'm Home Again" (home.mid) "Just Blues" (justblue.mid) "Dance of the Dark Lady" (darklady.mid) All of these compositions are copyright 1995 by Michael Walthius, all rights reserved. They are being freely distributed for non-commercial use only. These MIDI files were composed using the following equipment: Yamaha TG100 Yamaha MU-80 Yamaha SY-22 If you enjoy this music, you may acquire additional compositions of mine at: ftp.cs.ruu.nl /pub/MIDI/SONGS/GMIDI files: kbwizrd*.zip On The Microsoft Network, all of my compositions are currently available in the MIDI/Electronic Music Forum. Happy listening - I hope that you enjoy this music! Michael Walthius keybdwizrd@aol.com keybdwizrd@msn.com